SPECTROstar Omega

Absorbance plate reader with ultrafast UV/vis spectrometer

The SPECTROstar® Omega is a dedicated absorbance microplate reader that can capture a full absorbance spectrum (220 – 1000 nm) in less than 1 second per well – no scanning needed. This upgradeable reader offers the highest flexibility for optimizing settings for all absorbance-based assays. The LVis Plate compatibility allows for low-volume sample measurements.

Technical Specification

Detection modes
UV/vis absorbance
Measurement modes
Endpoint and kinetic measurements
Well scanning
Microplate formats
6 to 1536-well plates, user-definable
Light source
High energy xenon fl ash lamp
Spectrometer with CCD
Spectral range
Absorbance spectrometer: 220 to 1000 nm
Read times
Dependent on test definition
Linear, orbital, and double-orbital with user-definable time and speed
+4 °C above ambient up to 45 °C or 65 °C